Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thank you girls

I just want to thank you guys so much for a great Bible Study tonight. I relly felt like everybody was involved and felt comfortable sharing. I am very blessed to be surrounded by a bunch of amazing girls!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bible Study Tomorrow at the Abbe

We will be meeting tomorrow at 6:30 P.M. at the Abbe. Bring your Bible, Esther book, prayer journals, an open heart, and maybe you could bring a friend! There will be food!!

Next time you sit and chat with God, maybe throw in a word for anybody who is emotionally hurt. It is hard to look at somebody who you know is in pain and know that there is nothing that you can really do. Well, there is something that we can do. Pray. Prayer is the most powerful weapon that we could ever have and we need to use it!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Don't Forget....

Hi everyone! It is amazing that God answers even the smallest and most unimportant prayers, like when we get a group of girls together just so we can pray for snow! He heard us, and He answered. Sometimes though, it can feel like God isn't there or like He doesn't care about us. Maybe when we think that though, He is standing right in front of us, but we are just too caught up in our lives and what we think is so important. Its very hard to put everything aside and focus on what God is trying to tell us and just listen to Him, but usually that is the best solution to our problems!

We will be having Bible Study on Thursday Night at 6:30- 8:00. It will be at the Abbe. Remember to bring your Bible, Esther Book, a friend and a hungry tummy!

 We only have to get through 5 more days of school and then we can enjoy our wonderful families and a few days off from school!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Can't Wait till Christmas!

It is really easy to get anxious at Christmas time! You find yourself waiting for the Christmas Eve service, waking up on Christmas morning, getting a few days off from school, and this year waitng for it to snow! Only 13 days 'till Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Girls, don't be afraid to comment on the posts. We would love to know that you are reading the blog. Feel free to ask/say anything.

Hey Guys

 Hope you all are enjoying this wonderful snow. I know many of us have been praying for it!

I am a little bit challenged when it comes to technology, so I couldn't figure out how to get the actual song and video on the blog! I had to settle with giving you a link to it. I know Karen has should me how to do it, but apparently I have forgot. Don't worry, I will learn again and hopefully remember for the next time I want to share a song with you!

My prayer for all of us is that we remember what CHRISTmas is really all about and that we don't get caught up in the presents and decorations.

Luke 2:11
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

See you on Wednesday...6:15 a.m.

What better way to start your day than with food and friends and Bible Study???
See you there!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


We had 3 great speakers last night at Bible Study. They talked about freedom and love. It doesn't matter how many mistakes we have made or what we have done wrong, God still loves us. We don't need to feel like we are all chained up, because God is right there to forgive us and give us freedom from the guilt. I can't preach it nearly as good as Ben did!!!

Don't forget that we have Bible Study Wednesday. We'll be doing Esther 3 in our books. Hope to see you there!